About Our Studio

Omaha Power Yoga exists to bring community together and help people human better.

Why Omaha Power Yoga?

Our priority is empowering folks with the mindset and skills to think better, move better, feel better, & human better.
We believe people thrive with encouragement, dignity, mercy, grace, humility and acceptance.
We accept everyone regardless of beliefs, origin or any differences that are bound to exist.

OUR PRACTICE encourages deep breaths, exploration of sensation, self-awareness and non-competitiveness.

OUR TEAM is committed to skillful thoughts, words, and actions in yoga and in life.

OUR SPACE is clean, calming, and inviting.

OUR COMMUNITY is welcoming, supportive and light-hearted.

What makes us tick?

It’s not about being flexible or skinny, what gear you have or what poses you can do.
Standing on your hands & impressive balance won’t improve your relationships and likely won’t fix your mobility or chronic pain issues!  And since we can’t change anything we aren’t aware of, our focus is self-awareness and self-regulation, with tons of fun and encouragement mixed in. Our goal is to help people move better, think better, feel better, and human better!


About Our Practice

Our cues help you learn to regulate your nervous system, gain perspective, develop the neuro-muscular pathway to your stabilizer muscles, and address imbalances in strength and flexibility.  Pace of practice allows you to notice how your body and mind respond to stimuli so you can be strong & steady of heart, mind AND body.  Since thoughts create emotions that cause physical sensations, our approach takes into account the influence our mindset and nervous system have on our movement patterns.


Owner of Omaha Power Yoga, mindset coach and yoga teacher with more than 500 hours of training and continuing education, Suzanne’s practice and teaching have been influenced by Bryan Kest, Rudy Mettia, Jules Mitchell, Dan Nevins, Deborah Adele, Bessel Van der Kolk M.D., Tony Robbins, Mel Robbins, Joe Dispenza D.C., Nick Hansinger and Kisma Orbovich.  She seeks mentors that push her out of her comfort zone and encourage investigation, discernment and discovery.  After 12 years of teaching, Suzanne continues to learn from every experience.  Her classes, trainings and coaching empower clients with the skills and self-awareness to be their own facilitator of change.

Suzanne’s personal practice began with Bikram Yoga (Hot 26) “to get toned and flexible.”  After 20 years of practice, she realized the physical benefits are just nice side effects, there’s much more to health than the physical body, and standing on your hands or 1 leg without falling over does not constitute balance!  Her family is her driving force for self-study and growth, because what we teach shows up in how we live, not what we say.  Suzanne believes evolution of a community, a state, a world, starts with individual change.  She invites you to be courageous and curious, embrace uncertainty, and experience change.

Our Mantra

I am curious and willing to listen.

I will handle what’s mine and leave what isn’t.

I will ask for the wisdom to know the difference between mine and others’.

I will seek to understand over being understood.

This is simple, not always easy.

When I falter, I will humbly acknowledge,

smile to soften, and simply try again.

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