Tag: community

Together We Go Further

Jen and Suzanne

Jen brings the energies of mercy, grace and acceptance to all her classes.


As I begin my 3rd year teaching at OPY, I take a moment to reflect.  As you’ll hear me say in class, take a moment to “practice the pause, feel the feels.”

I have learned so much and evolved as a teacher in my relatively short time at Omaha Power Yoga.  And I have our community, YOU, to thank.  YOU are MY teacher.

You keep showing up, whether you are near or far.

You brighten my day with our chats before and after class.

You feel comfortable asking questions, which keeps me on my toes.

And I thank you, for your energy and efforts, and allowing me to hold space for you here at OPY.

I share this short snippet of a Power & Release class to show your efforts and energy.  To show how we move and make shapes together, but also to show that we all do what feels right in our own bodies.
This is your practice.  Your self study.  Your yoga.

Namaste, Jen

Watch Power & Release snippet here.
Join us for a class in studio, via stream or a replay at your convenience.
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