Suzanne DeJong RYT 200, CPYT
Owner of Omaha Power Yoga, intuitive life coach and yoga teacher with more than 500 hours of training and continuing education, Suzanne’s practice and teaching have been influenced by Bryan Kest, Rudy Mettia, Jules Mitchell, Dan Nevins, Deborah Adele, Bessel Van der Kolk M.D., Tony Robbins, Mel Robbins, Joe Dispenza D.C., Nick Hansinger and Kisma Orbovich. She seeks mentors that push her out of her comfort zone, encourage investigation, discernment and discovery. After 12 years of teaching, Suzanne continues to find ways to learn from every person and experience she encounters. Her classes, trainings and coaching empower clients with the skills and self-awareness to be their own facilitator of change.
Suzanne’s personal practice began with Bikram Yoga (or Hot 26) “to get toned and flexible.” After 20 years of practice and life, she realized the physical benefits are just nice side effects. There is much more to health than the physical body, and standing on your hands or 1 leg without falling over does not constitute balance! Her kids are her driving force for continued self-study and growth, because she believes the ultimate lessons show up in how we live, not what we say. Suzanne, and her highly skilled team at Omaha Power Yoga, believe evolution of a community, a state, a world, starts with individual change. She invites you to be courageous and patient, embrace uncertainty, and experience change.